Year: 2021

Dorchester Toy Drive Missing Thousands Of Presents Weeks Before Christmas

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — About two weeks out from Christmas, a toy drive in Dorchester is down thousands of presents for needy kids. Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)’s annual toy drive has collected less than 500 toys for kids this Christmas, but that’s nowhere near the 6000 they were hoping to collect by now. Bianny Suncar is the Director of…

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Nonprofit: 6,000 toys needed by Dec. 15

An anti-poverty agency is making a public plea for unwrapped toys for children 12 or under in order to meet a formidable goal: 6,000 toys or donations by Dec. 15. “An awful lot of people are hurting,” said John Drew, president and CEO of Action for Boston Community Development. “People should not have to go through the holidays without a…

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ABCD Toy Drive calls out for support to bring holiday joy to children in low-income families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 7, 2021 CONTACT: Susan Koopersteinskooperstein@comcast.net617.875.3619 Lee Phennerlee.phenner@bostonabcd.org339.368.1140 ABCD Toy Drive calls out for support to bring holiday joy to children in low-income families Parents’ requests far outpacing donations Children, adults also need warm clothing, food, heating aid;Fuel Assistance available to combat high energy costs Requests for toys from low-income, disadvantaged families in Boston and towns served in the…

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City of Boston and ABCD help homeowners avoid pandemic-related foreclosure

Since 2007, ABCD has partnered with the City of Boston to provide foreclosure prevention services to more than one thousand families at-risk of losing their homes. Throughout the pandemic the ABCD Foreclosure Prevention program has become all the more important, helping households negotiate with lenders and avoid not only the loss of their dwelling but also the loss of the…

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Sharon Scott-Chandler testifies before Congress on the critical impact of the Community Services Block Grant; offers insights into early childhood education at state legislator’s invitation

ABCD Executive Vice President/COO Sharon Scott-Chandler shared her expertise at the state and federal levels recently. The National Community Action Foundation selected her to testify before the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor in favor of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) reauthorization. At the November 3rd hearing, Scott-Chandler highlighted some of ABCD’s major successes that are enabled by…

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10th ABCD Hoop Dreams raises funds for youth programs

Brad Stevens, Bob Ryan, Michael Holley welcome teams to TD Garden Generous businesses, groups of super fans, friends from the media, and two youth teams got their game on for ABCD Hoop Dreams, the iconic charity basketball tournament that benefits under-resourced young people in Greater Boston. The Vertex Pharmaceuticals-sponsored youth team, No Books, No Ball, walked away with the trophy….

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ABCD very grateful for $4.5 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for heating assistance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASENovember 29, 2021 CONTACT: Susan Kooperstein617.875.3619 Lee Phenner339.368.1140 ABCD very grateful for $4.5 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding for heating assistance As temperatures plummet and heating costs spike, organization urges residents to apply now to stay healthy and safe through winter (BOSTON, MA) — ABCD President/CEO John J. Drew thanked the Biden-Harris administration fordeploying an unprecedented $4.5…

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Collaborating to Build a Culturally Inclusive Early Childhood Education Approach

A dozen years ago, professor Christine McWayne came to Tufts with a vision for preparing early childhood education teachers through an equity lens. One of the very first things she did was reach out to ABCD Head Start & Children’s Services, which runs several infant and toddler and preschool programs around Boston, about a potential research-practice partnership. Today, that partnership is a decade-old…

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Surging home heating costs fuel concerns early in the season

BOSTON — Choosing between food, medicine, and heating your home is difficult in a normal year, but with this home heating season’s surging fuel prices, many in Massachusetts are struggling to an even greater degree to pay for heat. “It’s just so expensive,” said Sydney Fuller-Jones, a government worker who spent most of the pandemic working 12-hour days or longer…

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Asistencia para pago de facturas de calefacción en Mass.

La organización Acción para el desarrollo comunitario de Boston presta ayuda a familias de bajos recursos. Para más información ingrese en WATCH HERE