Sharon Scott-Chandler testifies before Congress on the critical impact of the Community Services Block Grant; offers insights into early childhood education at state legislator’s invitation

ABCD Executive Vice President/COO Sharon Scott-Chandler shared her expertise at the state and federal levels recently. The National Community Action Foundation selected her to testify before the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor in favor of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) reauthorization. At the November 3rd hearing, Scott-Chandler highlighted some of ABCD’s major successes that are enabled by the flexible, needs-based programming as defined by the communities we serve. Watch here.

A week earlier, State Rep. Kate Lipper-Garabedian (D-32nd Middlesex) convened a Community Conversation on Early Education and Care virtual discussion which featured Kathleen Walsh from YMCA Metro North, Amy O’Leary from Strategies for Children, Tom Weber from the Massachusetts Business Coalition for Early Childhood Education, Congresswoman Katherine Clark, and ABCD’s Sharon Scott-Chandler. The panel examined the cross-sector dimensions of early education and care and strategies for advancing program accessibility and agency for families and providers. Watch the discussion.