Legendary ABCD President/CEO Robert M. Coard passes away, just a few months after retiring. The ABCD Board of Directors elects John J. Drew President/CEO of ABCD.
Written by Darren Szeto
Legendary ABCD President/CEO Robert M. Coard passes away, just a few months after retiring. The ABCD Board of Directors elects John J. Drew President/CEO of ABCD.
Written by Darren Szeto
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act provides significant funding that enables ABCD to launch comprehensive weatherization, job creation and community initiatives that address unmet needs. ABCD develops a place-based model for integrated services with one-stop access to benefits.
Written by Darren Szeto
ABCD begins the Community Health Worker Initiative funded with a $1 million grant from The Boston Foundation to provide career enhancement for community health workers, improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities for low-income families.
Written by Darren Szeto
ABCD opens William J. Ostiguy High School, one of three recovery high schools in Massachusetts.
Written by Darren Szeto
ABCD starts WorkPathways project with $2.8 million from the U.S. Department of Labor to help welfare recipients find and keep jobs.
Written by Darren Szeto
The first Field of Dreams corporate softball tournament at Fenway Park raises $150,000 for ABCD youth programs. Since then this annual fundraiser has raised more than $2 million.
Written by Darren Szeto
ABCD, as lead agency, wins contract to manage the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) in the Massachusetts Bay area. That campaign raises approximately $2 million annually to benefit 3,000 charities.
Written by Darren Szeto
With the aid of a $7.4 million HUD grant, ABCD and the Church of the Holy Spirit establish 45 units of elder affordable housing in Mattapan. This is the first of four such initiatives that brought $28.2 million in HUD funds to Boston and created 206 units of elder housing in low-income neighborhoods. Photo: jiawangkun – Fotolia
Written by Darren Szeto
ABCD starts University High – an alternative high school in collaboration with the Boston Public Schools to serve young people who struggle academically or otherwise in the traditional system.
Written by Darren Szeto
Mass. Board of Higher Education votes to charter Urban College of Boston as a degree-granting institution of higher education.
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