Housing Resources and Assistance

Have you fallen behind on rent or mortgage payments? Are you facing eviction? These resources can help – and so can our housing counseling staff.

The ABCD Housing & Homelessness Prevention department is available to help if you’re concerned about not being able to pay your rent, if you’ve fallen behind in your rent or mortgage payments, or if you are at risk of becoming homeless.

If you want to apply for Rental Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) or Emergency Rent and Mortgage Assistance (ERMA), halt eviction through the CDC declaration form, aren’t sure what to do if your landlord sends you a Notice to Quit with the intention of terminating your rental agreement, we have provided several forms and resources to move forward.

If you have questions or would like help, please contact us directly.



ABCD Head Start Centre based Programs

CDC Declaration Form

ABCD Head Start Centre based Programs

Notice to Quit Informational Flyer

ABCD Head Start Centre based Programs

The EOHLC ERMA RAFT Flyer is also available in the following languages:
Chinese  |  Haitian Creole  |  Khmer  |  Portuguese  |  Russian  |  Spanish  |  Vietnamese