Family Planning Services

Each year, the ABCD Family Planning Partnership provides comprehensive, confidential family planning and related health counseling, education, and medical care for tens of thousands of Boston area residents in community health centers, school-based health centers, and hospital-based primary care programs.


ABCD Family Planning services are conveniently located. We partner with health centers throughout Boston including the neighborhoods of Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, and Roxbury.



You may qualify for ABCD Family Planning services even if you don’t have health insurance. All health centers will help you sign up for insurance and refer you for other types of assistance. You may be eligible for family planning services at no cost if you need confidential services or if you qualify financially.



The ABCD Family Planning Partnership offers services including:

  • Sexual health counseling and education by specially trained counselors who speak your language, including special counseling.
  • Pregnancy testing and counseling.
  • If you don’t want to get pregnant, all methods of birth control are explained, and you can choose and receive the method that you think will work best for you.
  • If you do want to get pregnant, education and services are provided to help you have a healthy pregnancy.
  • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) counseling, testing, and treatment.
  • HIV testing, prevention education, and referrals for care.
  • Health exams, pap smears, and other lab tests.
  • All services are voluntary (no one will force you to do anything) and confidential: all information you give will be kept between you and your care provider.



If you’re a healthcare professional interested in learning more about family planning, visit our Family Planning Training Institute page.


ABCD Family Planning Locations

See the map below for health centers in the Boston area where you can get family planning medical and counseling services. You can type the name of a neighborhood or city in the search field. When you call a center, ask to speak with a family planning counselor or nurse. If you need more help, please call ABCD at 617.348.6000 and ask to speak with someone in Health Services.