Welcome to ABCD

Helping people get from where they are to where they want to be.

Learn about featured programs and join us in empowering our neighbors.

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Our Climate Equity & Impact department is at the forefront of decarbonization and environmental justice. We expand electrification and drive efficiency andsavings for low-income residents statewide. Learn more.




ABCD spells innovative education. Our alternative high schools – Ostiguy High, which serves students in recovery, and University High, which serves students who can succeed with key supports – meet students where they are and offer models that enable them to thrive. Learn more.




ABCD is deeply connected to the diverse communities we serve and dedicated to providing nutritious and culturally-sensitive food to elders and families. Innovative delivery systems such as mobile food pop-ups and the use of an ordering app create a welcoming process. Learn more.




We provide help with heating bills and energy savings programs including utility bill advocacy to keep our most vulnerable neighbors safe, warm, and healthy. Learn more.




ABCD is a pioneer in community health and sexual and reproductive health. Through our partner network, we provide income-eligible residents with access to top quality healthcare at no cost. From birth control and sexual healthcare to cancer screenings and fostering healthy relationships, we are an active advocate for achieving health equity. Learn more.