
Family Planning for Advanced Practice Training

A four-part training designed specifically for RNs, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants.

A four part training course with two live zoom sessions and two online learning components, designed specifically for RNs, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants.


Reproductive Anatomy; Physiologic Basic Reproduction: Endocrinology of the Menstrual Cycle and Influence on Contraception Mechanisms; Basic Infertility Care; Preconception, Contraceptive Methods Mechanisms of Action and Effectiveness of: Combined Hormonal Contraceptives; Progesterone Only Contraceptive Pills; Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable contraception; Hormonal and Copper IUD; Permanent Contraception; Emergency Contraception; Pregnancy Options; STD Screening, Testing, Diagnosis, and Treatment; Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Adolescents, People with Disabilities, History of Trauma, and LGBTQQIA People; Evidence- based Clinical and Counseling Guidelines; History of Title X Funding; and Issues of Racial Equity in Reproductive Healthcare.


This educational activity is approved for 15 contact hours for nurses.


If seeking CEUs, the cost for non-ABCD sites is $300. If not seeking CEUs, it is $200. For ABCD sites, the course is free unless CEUs are desired, then it is $100.


Date and Time:
June 4, 2024 at 11:30am – 4:05pm
June 11, 2024 at 8:00am – 12:45pm
(Must attend both days for credit) (VIRTUAL)

Registration Form: Sign up here
Registration Deadline: 
May 10, 2024
Payment for non ABCD sites due: May 312024
Registration fees must be paid before attending.