Latest News, Press Releases, and Innovations

ABCD kickoff annual Fuel Assistance program

Applaud Biden Admins’. increase to fuel assistance nationwide With temperatures in Mission Hill  expected to dip into the 30s at night this week many low-income residents will be left out in the cold.  The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause uncertainty in the neighborhood as job loss, food insecurity and loss of income has become more prevalent and many residents will…

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Hey Santa, this group needs some help

Action for Boston Community Development is struggling to fill a greater amount of calls for help from families in Boston and other communities in the Mystic Valley area. Social service agencies are seeing greater requests for help with the holidays as lower-income families struggling to meet basic household needs amid the pandemic have nothing to spare for gifts. And at…

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Community-based nonprofits to receive grants

Through the Beacon Hill Community Fund – now in its third year – the  Beacon Hill Civic Association will award annual grants to 10 deserving community-based nonprofit organizations in this current cycle. These grants include $3,000 to the West End Museum to aid in making its in-person programming digitally accessible; $2,500 to the Friday Night Supper Program to  help with…

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ABCD looking at toy shortage as organization continues yearly toy drive

A major nonprofit human services organization is making calls for more donations as they experience a shortage of toys for low-income families ahead of the winter holidays. ABCD, which works with low-income residents in Boston and the Mystic Valley, runs a toy drive each winter holiday season for disadvantaged families in the area. This year, the pandemic and soaring costs…

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Toys needed this holiday season: Requests from families in need far outpacing donations, ABCD says

BOSTON — Requests for toys from Massachusetts families in need this holiday season are outpacing donations, and a Boston-area nonprofit needs your help. Each holiday season, Action for Boston Community Development staff, board members, and corporate and community partners join together to collect donations of toys, clothing and gift cards. WATCH NOW

Beneficios de los programas de calefacción de la agencia ABCD podrían estar aumentando

(NOTICIAS YA).- La agencia ABCD urge a residentes del área de Boston, y varias otras localidades aledañas a aplicar en sus programas de asistencia de pago de calefacción ya que la agencia recibirá fondos federales adicionales y los beneficios de este programa ahora podrían estar aumentando. LISTEN NOW

Dorchester Toy Drive Missing Thousands Of Presents Weeks Before Christmas

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — About two weeks out from Christmas, a toy drive in Dorchester is down thousands of presents for needy kids. Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)’s annual toy drive has collected less than 500 toys for kids this Christmas, but that’s nowhere near the 6000 they were hoping to collect by now. Bianny Suncar is the Director of…

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Nonprofit: 6,000 toys needed by Dec. 15

An anti-poverty agency is making a public plea for unwrapped toys for children 12 or under in order to meet a formidable goal: 6,000 toys or donations by Dec. 15. “An awful lot of people are hurting,” said John Drew, president and CEO of Action for Boston Community Development. “People should not have to go through the holidays without a…

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ABCD Toy Drive calls out for support to bring holiday joy to children in low-income families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDecember 7, 2021 CONTACT: Susan Koopersteinskooperstein@comcast.net617.875.3619 Lee Phennerlee.phenner@bostonabcd.org339.368.1140 ABCD Toy Drive calls out for support to bring holiday joy to children in low-income families Parents’ requests far outpacing donations Children, adults also need warm clothing, food, heating aid;Fuel Assistance available to combat high energy costs Requests for toys from low-income, disadvantaged families in Boston and towns served in the…

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City of Boston and ABCD help homeowners avoid pandemic-related foreclosure

Since 2007, ABCD has partnered with the City of Boston to provide foreclosure prevention services to more than one thousand families at-risk of losing their homes. Throughout the pandemic the ABCD Foreclosure Prevention program has become all the more important, helping households negotiate with lenders and avoid not only the loss of their dwelling but also the loss of the…

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