Latest News, Press Releases, and Innovations

ABCD to hire 1K teens for summer jobs

BOSTON, Mass. — If you have a teenager looking for a summer job, the Anti-poverty agency, ABCD, wants to hear from them. They have a program that will pay your child more than $1,700, but they better hurry because slots for the one thousand positions are filling up fast. 17-year-old Kevin Williams loves sneakers and he has a pretty healthy…

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Senadora Warren y alcaldesa Wu en ABCD Head Start en Dorchester

Durante una de las más significativas visitas a ABCD Head Start de Dorchester en Boston, la senadora Elizabeth Warren y la alcaldesa Michelle Wu incidieron en la importancia de invertir en el cuidado de los niños. “Por esto debe ir más allá de la municipalidad o del estado. Se debe seguir insistiendo a nivel federal para invertir en la educación…

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No fooling! Utilities moratorium ends April 1; ABCD urges residents to apply for fuel aid as bills come due

Urges state to move at least $20 million through conference committee; Calls on feds to provide remaining funds from LIHEAP increase FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 29, 2022  CONTACT: Susan Kooperstein at 617.875.3619 or Lee Phenner at 339.368.1140                                 (BOSTON, MA) — With bitter cold weather returning this week, Action for Boston Community Development urges Boston-area and Mystic Valley residents to apply immediately…

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Funcionarios buscan seguir proporcionando fondos para guarderías en Boston


ABCD calls for additional fuel aid funds

As home heating oil reaches an unprecedented high of $6 per gallon, a whopping 120,000-plus Massachusetts households receiving fuel assistance have used up their benefits. These tens of thousands of families with young children, seniors and others are scrambling to keep their homes warm as relentless March cold continues to hit Massachusetts. One working single mother served by ABCD said…

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ABCD Calls for Additional Fuel Aid Funds as Spike in Heating Costs Creates Crisis Across Massachusetts

Home heating oil reaches $6/gallon high; More than 120,000 MA fuel assistance households out of benefits FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 14, 2022  CONTACT: Susan Kooperstein at 617.875.3619 or Lee Phenner at 339.368.1140                                 (BOSTON, MA) — As home heating oil reaches an unprecedented high of $6 per gallon, a whopping 120,000-plus Massachusetts households receiving fuel assistance have used up their benefits. These…

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Hey Teens, Apply now for ABCD SummerWorks! Mayor Wu praises program, calls it “essential experience”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2022  CONTACT: Susan Kooperstein at 617.875.3619 or Lee Phenner at 339.368.1140                                 Don’t miss out! Put dollars in your pocket, obtain career skills, receive mentoring, social supports. If you are 14 to 21, income-eligible, and live in Boston, you can earn and learn in the ABCD SummerWorks program this year! Plan now to spend your summer with…

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Two years into the pandemic, rental assistance continues to climb

The amount of aid Massachusetts is providing to renters continues to increase each month, an indication that many residents of the commonwealth are still struggling financially two years after the COVID-19 pandemic began. … Anne Corbin, director of housing and homelessness prevention for Action for Boston Community Development, said uncertainty about the future of the funding may be contributing to…

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I Am a Ukrainian

People around the planet must join with the brave people of Ukraine! We must stand beside the brave but terrorized Ukrainians: children, papas, grandmothers, women, men … our human family that is being subject to a despicable onslaught by bullies and terrorists, the paranoid and delusional forces that have complete control of Russia. Russian leaders are ignoring Geneva Convention rules…

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Rising heating oil costs complicate staying warm in winter’s final weeks

Like gasoline, heating oil is selling at an all-time high, and that’s hurting people in the cold weather. John Drew heads Action for Boston Community Development, or ABCD. The organization provides assistance to the needy, and their heating oil fund has run dry. “Two-hundred seventy-five gallons times $6 is a lot of money, and people don’t have it,” he said….

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