Latest News, Press Releases, and Innovations

1,700 summer jobs for Boston-area high schoolers

The nonprofit Action for Boston Community Development, or ABCD, is offering more than a thousand summer job placements for young people. The organization says the jobs will not only help kids make money, but also build skills for future careers. We talk with ABCD’s SummerWorks program director Jessica Rosario, along with SummerWorks alum Juan Echevarria-Ruiz. This segment aired on May…

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Leading the Way: Sharon Scott-Chandler’s career-long commitment to change

Sharon Scott-Chandler has spent years trying to make change. “When I went to law school, I wanted to be a public defender. I wanted to represent my community. I grew up in Mattapan, and I wanted to provide people who couldn’t afford really good attorneys with a really good attorney,” Scott-Chandler says, recalling the days when she attended Northeastern University’s…

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Need a Summer Job? This Boston Program Is Helping Nearly 2,000 Young People Get Work

You can learn more about the program, and apply to it here A program that works to connect Boston’s young people with summer jobs in their community, all while earning them a paycheck, has expanded and is now open for applications. ABCD’s SummerWorks runs from June 26 through August 25, and allows young people ages 14 through 21 to earn…

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TC & Company Podcast | Boston Sports Mania, Bob Ryan Interview | Ep. 77

NESN host Tom Caron and retired Boston Globe sports columnist and author Bob Ryan talk Field of Dreams – ABCD’s annual softball fundraising event for Boston’s youth – on the TC & Company Podcast. Field of Dreams feature starts at 25:15. LISTEN HERE Want to play ball at the legendary Fenway Park for a great cause this June 30th? There are…

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ABCD, Boston’s largest nonprofit youth summer job program partner will hire and place 1,700 youth

ABCD SummerWorks has increased capacity and urges Boston youth to apply right away. Thanks to key partnerships and supporters, long-standing and new, SummerWorks will provide summer jobs to 1,700 underserved youth ages 14-21.  SummerWorks distinguishes itself by placing youth in nonprofit and mission-driven organizations, allowing youth to give back to the community while obtaining career skills, earning a paycheck and being in community with their…

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This is the best time of the Boston sports year, and other thoughts

ABCD is holding its annual Field of Dreams Day at Fenway June 30. It’s a softball tournament in which companies can sponsor a team to play at the park, benefiting youth development programs to help Boston’s under-resourced young adults build better lives. For more information, call Abbie Cavalier at 617-348-6238 or go to READ MORE

City touts available summer jobs for youth

The Mattapan Teen Center turned into a recruitment center on April 6 as city officials began publicizing a finely tuned youth summer jobs program that will offer up to 7,000 opportunities for youth ages 14-18. Gone are the days of the “red shirts” toiling in the weeds of the neighborhood’s many vacant lots through July and August. Now young people…

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Every year on Women’s History Month, the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement (MOWA) opens nominations to honor the positive impact and leadership of women who make Boston a world-class city. NONPROFIT CHANGE MAKERS Bianny Suncar, Director of the ABCD Mattapan Family Service Center, has been selected by the City of Boston’s Office of Women’s Advancement as one of 50 EXTRAordinary Women in…

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ABCD on the Radio: State-Funded Extra SNAP Payments Come at a Critical Time

The Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance recently announced $130 million in temporary state aid will start going out to people who use federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food benefits. As costs across the board continue to rise due to inflation, these three months of extra state payments will be critical for Massachusetts residents struggling to keep up, ABCD President…

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Flat funding for Title X causes scramble for clinics

Some service providers seek outside support amid inflation, growing population Title X, the government-supported family planning service that has helped low-income Americans access reproductive health services since 1970, served 193.5 million people during its first 50 years. But funding for the program has been flat at $286.5 million for nine straight years, including in fiscal 2023, despite a growing population,…

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