Category: News
Wu Announces Youth Jobs Applications Now Open for 2024-2025 School Year
Mayor Michelle Wu and the Office of Youth Employment and Opportunity (YEO) announced that youth job applications are open for the 2024 – 2025 School Year. Boston youth and young adults ages 14 – 24 can apply at futureBOS, the hub for all youth employment opportunities throughout the City. The platform, led by YEO, allows young people to better navigate…
From prison to green jobs: Ex-inmates among new workforce powering state’s climate goals
Mass. needs 34,000 clean energy jobs. Training programs are recruiting from populations underrepresented in the existing workforce. Gripping a soldering iron firmly in his right hand, Osvaldo Medina angled the tip toward the circuit board and prepared to attach a small red lightbulb. He watched puffs of smoke curl up as hot silver drops melted onto the board, fixing the…
A Woman for the People
Gloria Fox served Roxbury for 30 years in the Massachusetts Legislature – the longest serving woman in the House of Representatives when she retired in 2016. She left an indelible mark on her district and the city as a whole — advocating for poor people, those who were struggling, and had been excluded from opportunity — and for those in…
ABCD named to Top 100 Women-Led Businesses in Massachusetts
The Women’s Edge and Globe Magazine celebrate the state’s leading companies and nonprofit organizations led by women. They run health care and biotech and manufacturing and real estate companies. Retail giants, law firms, universities and colleges, financial institutions, and more. They’re the women power players of the Bay State, responsible for thousands of employees and billions in revenue, driving the…
Statement from ABCD President and CEO Sharon Scott-Chandler on the 2024 Election
Dear ABCD community, By now, we have all been able to take in the results of the 2024 elections and can all agree that this was an unprecedented campaign and it is an historic moment. It shines a stark light on our country’s divisions—but it also reveals many strengths. We revere the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of…
Brockton Native Noel Gourdin to Perform at the 2024 Community Heroes Celebration
98.1 FM Urban Heat Check out R&B singer-songwriter and Brockton native Noel Gourdin (20:22 to 30:22) on Urban Heat discussing his upcoming appearance at the 2024 Community Heroes Celebration on November 1st!
Special program in Boston trains residents to become solar workers
Timothy Edwards uses a power drill to fasten the array frame together as Narkeisha Gilbert and Lhoucine Bouhaddou hold it in place during the solar technician training class. (Jesse Costa/WBUR) Instructor Carlos Antunes watched as his students, wielding power drills and socket wrenches, assembled metal racks on the floor, then mounted four large solar panels on them. “Don’t forget your…
All Things Considered – Enrollment in Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) begins October 1st, 2024
‘Survivor’ stories connect Southie, Fields Corner
In 1993, just a few days before Christmas, 15-year-old Louis D. Brown was killed in a crossfire, while crossing Geneva Avenue near Fields Corner Station. A high school sophomore looking forward to college, he was on his way to youth meeting organized by Teens Against Gang Violence. Almost thirty-one years later, in time for International Peace Day on September 21,…