ABCD’s Walnut Grove Head Start participated in the African Explosion that featured cultural dance by performer Sir Taylor, a self defined peacemaker and an original member of the Jesse White Tumblers in Chicago – a training program that provides a positive alternative for urban youth ages 6-16. The African Explosion closed out ABCD University High School’s ( UHS) Light Saver week, a component of their Commonwealth Restorative Justice Community Grant work. Light Saver featured movement and whole body wellness, mindfulness and meditation, restorative meditation, discipline and accountability, and mental health and mindset for wellness for UHS students. University High School is ABCD’s alternative high school for Boston students ages 16 to 22 who at minimum are repeating 10th grade, have fallen behind at least one grade level in traditional high school settings or have left high school without completing their diploma requirements and operates in partnership with Boston Public Schools.