Good News Tuesday highlights the good works that make our community stronger: companies or employees going the extra mile for employees or customers or unique volunteer & charitable efforts.

Students from ABCD’s University High School graduated recently with well-deserved pomp and circumstance. Massachusetts-based nonprofit human services organization ABCD provides disadvantaged residents in the Boston and Mystic Valley areas with the tools, support and resources they need to transition from poverty to stability and from stability to success.
University High School is ABCD’s alternative high school for Boston students ages 16 to 22 who at minimum are repeating 10th grade, have fallen behind at least one grade level in traditional high school settings or have left high school without completing their diploma requirements. University High School operates in partnership with the Boston Public Schools – Boston Collaborative High School and concentrates on core requirements and MCAS test preparation using project-based assignments that contribute to a portfolio demonstrating students’ knowledge and academic competency.
ABCD President and CEO Sharon Scott-Chandler expressed her pride in the 2023 graduates.
“Completing high school is one of the biggest accomplishments of a young person’s life. It sets a foundation and puts them on a path toward furthering their education and establishing a career, which will bring stability and success for the rest of their lives,” she said.