Show Me the Money

ABCD Provides FREE Tax Preparation for Residents Earning $60,000 or Less

Residents of Greater Boston and the Mystic Valley who earned $60,000 or less in 2022 are eligible for FREE tax preparation services and should make an appointment in early January, 2023, by calling the nearest ABCD neighborhood center or ABCD Connect at 617-348-6329. Tax preparation begins January 30, 2023.

Last year, ABCD helped 2,565 residents complete their state and federal tax returns, resulting in $6,431.747 in federal and state refunds combined, $1,454.056 in EITC and $72, 597 in CTC. That economic infusion channeled dollars back to hardworking families and revitalized businesses in under-resourced neighborhoods. In the last 30 years, ABCD has provided more than 150,000 people with free tax help preparation across the city.

ABCD’s IRS-certified tax preparers will prepare and submit tax returns in person, by appointment and by drop-off. Tax preparers ensure that all tax relief measures that benefit low and moderate income residents are provided, including Earned Income Tax Credit, (EITC) Child Tax Credit (CTC), Senior Circuit Breaker and more. 

ABCD is a member of the Massachusetts Tax and Asset Consortium  comprised of community and civic partners, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, City of Boston, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and MassSaves/The Midas Collaborative. In addition, we helped found the Boston Tax Help Coalition a partnership of nonprofits, businesses, and community organizations that has been promoting economic independence for working individuals and families since 2001.

ABCD is also a critical component of the Internal Revenue Service Volunteer IncomeTax Assistance (VITA) program, recruiting volunteers who receive special training to become IRS-certified and are supervised by experienced ABCD executive staff.