For 60 years, ABCD has been many things to many people. The words people use to describe our Boston-area antipoverty and community action agency brim with hope for the future. ABCD means opportunity and pathways to economic mobility, they say. It is an investment in people and communities. ABCD lifts up our most vulnerable residents through education and innovation, equity and empowerment. ABCD creates institutions and builds communities.
Sharon Scott-Chandler, ABCD President & CEO, congratulates Jordin Durocher upon his graduation from the ABCD University High School in June 2022. University High School is an alternative high school that partners with the Boston Public Schools to serve students who are having difficulty in a traditional public school setting or have left high school without graduating. (Photo by Nile Hawver)© Provided by Boston Herald
On this significant 60th anniversary, I am proud and privileged to lead this outstanding organization, following in the footsteps of the legendary Robert M. Coard and John J. Drew and with the support of our exceptional Board of Directors. It is a challenging time, in the wake of the pandemic, as ABCD rises up, accessing all available resources, to meet the needs of those we serve in the low-income communities hit hardest by the virus. We are ensuring that ABCD programs – Fuel Assistance, Head Start, Housing Services and Assistance to the Homeless, Youth Programs, Career Development and more – reach those in need. We are developing innovative strategies and building important relationships to continue to make a difference in a changing world.