Cost of electricity rises in July

BOSTON — Don’t let this cooler weather fool you, the past few scorching weeks are about to hit your wallet when the next electric bill comes around.

If you are struggling with paying your bill, there are some outlets you can turn to for help. The organization Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) has been using some remaining CARES Act money to help some homeowners pay off their bills, however that money is quite limited.

The organization encourages people to join their low-income heat program. It is usually geared toward helping folks in the winter, but the program can convert your home to being more energy efficient.

“We have people calling on November 1 with bills they had still in debt from the last winter season,” explains Sharon Scott-Chandler, President and CEO of ABCD. “Then you add on top of that electricity bill from this summer, and people are under extreme stress.”