Local nonprofit secures 6,000 toys in 3 weeks for holiday donations

‘Twas three weeks before Christmas and all through ABCD, several creatures were stirring, as worried as can be.

Folks had been generous, donating 400 toys, but the need was far greater, for all local girls and boys.

The call went out, for a bit more aid, and the community responded, spreading a joy that can’t be repaid.

ABCD, or Action for Boston Community Development, found itself in need of 6,000 toys for families celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, and Three Kings Day this year.

According to President and CEO John J. Drew, local families are struggling with the ongoing pandemic, inflation, and a challenging job market.

“Many parents had very limited resources for buying gifts for their children this year,” he said. “We knew we had to help them put smiles on their children’s faces after this difficult year, as the ABCD Toy Drive has done for more than 50 years.”

Media coverage generated by a call for more toys resulted in enough donations, according to Field Operations Director Josh Young.