Career center wins gold award for employment services to veterans

MassHire Metro North Career Center, operated by ABCD since July 2020, has been awarded a Veterans Employment and Training Program Performance and Incentive Award for its outstanding service to veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When in-person services closed down, its JVSG team (Jobs for Veterans State Grants) quickly adapted to a new way of working, collaborating with leadership to adopt the technology required for high quality remote service and support to veterans. Due to their efforts 99.4% of military veterans served by MassHire Metro North Career Center received individualized services during the past year. Seventy-nine veterans were also placed in jobs, the highest number among MassHire Career Centers.  

The JSVG team also continued its 8-year partnership with Edge4Vets, a program that teaches veterans how to market skills they learned during their service while providing mentorship and connecting veterans with Massachusetts employers. This year, the JSVG team and Edge4Vets worked together to transition the workshops and mentoring services to a virtual environment, resulting in successful placements despite COVID-19 restrictions.