
Community heroes address needs, fight inequity

Boston, MA 3/1/2021: POOL PHOTO…..Bishop John M. Borders of Morning Star Baptist Church spoke after Governor Charlie Baker, right, and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, and others had a tour of the new coronavirus COVID-19 vaccination site at the church. Suzanne Kreiter/Globe Staff

So far, there seems to be at least a glimmer of hope for equitable distribution of the coronavirus vaccine. But when it comes to support services for at-risk populations, and our most vulnerable seniors and children, the fight for fairness continues.

Fundamental and structural inequities still persist for communities of color, the poor and the marginalized. Statistics show that Black people have lost a year of life expectancy, supposedly due to the pandemic. But the truth is that Black people and other minorities were already below the national average in life expectancy before the pandemic hit. We have much work to do.

If there is any silver lining to the pandemic it is that it has shone light on these inequities.