
Boston Herald Letter to the Editor – Partnerships make a difference

Partnerships make a difference

Longstanding partnerships, such as the one Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) has shared with United South End Settlements (U.S.E.S.) for more than half a century, provide struggling families with the comprehensive resources that they need to survive and thrive.

When U.S.E.S. placed the Harriet Tubman House up for sale, ABCD did bid on the property but we were not the highest bidder. We planned to use the building to provide extended programming. Regardless of that outcome, we understand the organization’s need to sell the property to achieve its goal of stability.

U.S.E.S. leadership has made it clear that their financial situation is dire and that only the sale of this building will allow them to continue providing critical services to disadvantaged children, families and elders.

As president and CEO of ABCD, I believe the steps U.S.E.S. took to ensure they are able to continue to provide comprehensive programming are important. Securing the future of U.S.E.S. and the community’s accessibility to their services secures the viability of the under-resourced residents of the South End.

ABCD is pulling for U.S.E.S. to gain financial stability and to continue to serve the community now and in the future, whether from its current location or a different site.

— John J. Drew, president and CEO at Action for Boston Community Development, Boston