Thomas Webb serves in a Neighborhood Sector seat representing the Jamaica Plain area on the Jamaica Plain APAC Advisory Board. Born and raised in Ononcoc, Virginia, he left small town life for the West Coast where he sought training through Job Corps, completed his GED, and worked for the Farnworth Press. Upon his return to the East Coast, Webb worked at Boston University in the food services department for 35 years. During that time, Webb began volunteering with ABCD – stocking food and delivering groceries to those in need – where he remains an active volunteer helping out weekly at the Jamaica Plain APAC’s food pantry.
Webb joined the ABCD Board of Directors in 1994, and he was recognized in 2016 with an ABCD Community Service Award. He serves as a member of the Employment & Training/Youth Committee and the Neighborhood Programs/ Planning & Evaluation (NPPE) Committee.