Today is March 1, 2025

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Paths to Affordable Housing

105 Chauncy Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join us for a free housing workshop, Paths to Affordable Housing.
Topics include:
Barriers to housing
Housing search
Affordable housing resources in MA

Three Kings Day

Thelma D. Burns Building 575 Warren Street, Roxbury, MA, United States

ABCD Citywide Boston Hispanic Center presents Three Kings Day
Thursday, January 4, 2018 | 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Refreshments, entertainment & gifts for the kids!

Grand Opening: ABCD Early Head Start Mattapan

ABCD Mattapan Head Start & Children’s Services 535 River Street, Mattapan, MA, United States

Join ABCD President/CEO John J. Drew and the ABCD family as we unveil the new ABCD Early Head Start @ in Mattapan, a state-of-the-art early care and education center.

With special guests
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh
City Council President Andrea Campbell
City Councilor Timothy McCarthy
who will also read to the children

Special performance by The Mattapan Head Start pre-schoolers!

Celebrate GATE!

Thelma D. Burns Building 575 Warren Street, Roxbury, MA, United States

Success stories from ABCD’s innovative career training model for parents. ABCD’s Generations Advancing Together through Education (GATE) is a breakthrough program that enables income eligible parents to start a promising career by getting the training they need, along with affordable childcare while they learn. Featuring GATE participants, alumni, and special guests.

Paths to Affordable Housing

105 Chauncy Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join us for a free housing workshop, Paths to Affordable Housing.
Topics include:
Barriers to housing
Housing search
Affordable housing resources in MA

ABCD Solutions Series | Disappearing Work: Coping with the 2nd Machine Revolution

Urban College of Boston 2 Boylston Street, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA, United States

Whole categories of work are disappearing—including many entry-level and low-barrier jobs. Automation and artificial intelligence will continue the trend. How can education and training systems prepare? What is industry’s responsibility? Is a guaranteed annual income the goal?

Paths to Affordable Housing

105 Chauncy Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join us for a free housing workshop, Paths to Affordable Housing.
Topics include:
Barriers to housing
Housing search
Affordable housing resources in MA

Paths to Affordable Housing

105 Chauncy Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join us for a free housing workshop, Paths to Affordable Housing.
Topics include:
Barriers to housing
Housing search
Affordable housing resources in MA

ABCD Solutions Series | Fragmented Work: Creating Opportunity and Security in the Gig Economy

Urban College of Boston 2 Boylston Street, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA, United States

Insecurity is increasingly the hallmark of work. Family-sustaining jobs have broken down into gigs and self-employment. How can basic supports like sick time, health insurance, and pensions adapt? How do we mitigate the psychological stress? Can we develop careers with real opportunity in the Gig Economy? Sign up on our event website!