BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — On Monday, even with rain moving in, donators paid to take the field at Fenway Park for a charity ballgame benefitting the advocacy group, ABCD’S SummerWorks jobs program. According to the anti-poverty organizations website, the event “Field of Dreams” has raised over $5 million for ABCD SummerWorks over the 20 or so years.
At “Field of Dreams,” participants got to play a full game of softball against another team at Fenway Park, with full usage of the home and away dugouts.
WBZ’s Karyn Regal went out to field where Co-Chairman Lew Eisenberg detailed the positive impacts the program has on the community.
“The inner-city youth get a chance to have a job, manage their money and a checking account, show up to work on-time, and that’s what the point is,” Eisenberg said.