City of Boston and ABCD help homeowners avoid pandemic-related foreclosure

Since 2007, ABCD has partnered with the City of Boston to provide foreclosure prevention services to more than one thousand families at-risk of losing their homes. Throughout the pandemic the ABCD Foreclosure Prevention program has become all the more important, helping households negotiate with lenders and avoid not only the loss of their dwelling but also the loss of the household’s equity and generational wealth.

While the federal government distributed nearly $8 billion in rental assistance, the City recognized that homeowners at high risk of foreclosure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including job loss, reduced income, or needed unpaid time off due to COVID-related health issues also needed assistance.

Drawing from federal COVID Relief and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, the City established the Emergency Foreclosure Prevention Fund. ABCD looks forward to assisting homeowners in partnership with Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and her administration in 2021.

This resource is also a crucial measure for racial equity in Boston as COVID infections, deaths, and pandemic-related loss of income disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Read more about the program and who qualifies here